See How Our Grout Cleaning in Raleigh, NC Brought Back This Shower's Shine
August 15, 2023
A Raleigh resident took pride in the simple, yet elegant design of her master shower. To her, there were many positive things about having a white-tiled shower. The small ceramic tiles made the area appear wider, and the color made the bathroom look pristine. Unfortunately, it also had its downsides. Since the tiles were small, there were more grout lines to keep clean. Over time, the cleaning process became tedious and time-consuming. Even though the homeowner always made sure to clean the shower regularly, she realized the grout lines became dirtier as time went by. No matter which products she used or how hard she scrubbed, she couldn't improve the appearance of the grout lines.
Not knowing what to do, the homeowner went online to look for advice. Many websites suggested leaving the cleaning of the grout lines to professionals. With this in mind, she searched for professional grout cleaning in Raleigh, NC. She found our website in the top search results. After seeing many of the positive video testimonials and reviews left by satisfied customers, she filled in the form to schedule a free evaluation and a quote.
On the appointed date, we visited the client's home to inspect the shower. We immediately noticed the grout lines on the floor were in poor condition. Even though the tiles were clean, the grout's dark color made the entire shower appear unhygienic. Luckily, the damage wasn't severe. We offered the client a thorough grout cleaning and sealing service to solve the problem. We would seal the grout lines with our proprietary sealant ColorSeal. The homeowner agreed to the service and scheduled an appointment for the job.
We returned to the client's home a few days later to perform the service. We began by soaking the shower's surfaces with a pH-neutral cleaner that's safe for tile and grout. This cleaner also contains sanitizing properties that help reduce and inhibit the growth of common household bacteria, mold, and mildew. After letting the cleaner soak for a few minutes, we rinsed it off with a high-speed scrubber. After we erased any trace of dirt, we further sanitized the shower's expansion joints with a steam cleaner.
To finish, we sealed the shower's grout with ColorSeal. This is an acrylic-based sealant that shuts off the grout's pores, protecting it against water, soap, stains, dirt, mold, and mildew. It also comes in a variety of colors. The client chose white to match the pristine appearance of the tiles.
When we finished the job, we let the customer see the results. The homeowner was pleased. Her master shower looked spotless. She thanked us for a job well done and assured us we had met her expectations. The client said she would recommend our services to anyone in need of hard surface restoration.
Before leaving, we gave the homeowner a few maintenance tips to ensure the shower remained in top condition. We first recommended cleaning the shower once a week using a dry mop and a pH-neutral cleaner like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner. Unlike most store-bought products and homemade recipes, this cleaning solution contains all the necessary ingredients to ensure hard surfaces remain in good shape. We also suggested wiping the excess water away after every shower. This practice helps prevent mold growth and water damage. To finish, we advised the client to avoid hard-scrubbing the grout lines. Now that they were coated with ColorSeal, they should be easier to clean.
When looking for grout cleaning services in Raleigh, make sure to contact the best hard surface restoration experts in the industry. Here at Sir Grout Raleigh, we have the necessary tools and expertise to fulfill your expectations. Call us at (919) 276-4403 or fill out the "Request a quote" form on this page to schedule a free in-home evaluation today. Don't forget to also subscribe to our newsletter to keep up with our latest news and promotions.
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