This Shower Floor in Raleigh Went Through an Amazing Makeover Thanks to Our Tile Cleaning Experts
January 30, 2024
A couple in Raleigh was losing sleep over the state of their master shower. They took turns cleaning the shower every week so they never let the dirt sit for long. This didn't stop the stains that clung to the floor's grout and eventually ruined the color of the porcelain tiles. The couple went over the problem multiple times, but they couldn't see what got the floor to look so dull. Their only theory was that their cleaners had harmful side effects on the porcelain's delicate surface, so they decided to stop using these products until they got an informed opinion on the matter.
This led them to look for hard surface specialists in the area and, not long into their search, Sir Grout Raleigh stood out as the best option for them. They both grew more confident the more they read about our Raleigh tile cleaning services, so it was no surprise that they both agreed to contact our techs when they sat down to talk about what to do next.
The couple scheduled an in-home evaluation online and our techs went to their home on the appointed date. During their inspection, our techs could see traces of soap scum and some sticky spots closer to the drain. The stains on the grout were easy to spot as different shades of brown long around all the grout lines. Some parts only looked faintly darker than the tiles while others looked extra dark from all the dirt that was embedded on the pores. Our specialists confirmed the clients' suspicions at the end of the appointment: harsh cleaners had discolored the floor while keeping some of the dirt adhered to the grout. The damage to the grout lines meant that the porous surface had also absorbed lots of water from the shower so our crew needed to act quickly before risking structural problems around the shower seams. They put their services at the clients' disposal and the homeowners gratefully accepted their offer.

Following their request during the evaluation, our experts returned to the couple's home a few days later to work on the shower floor. They started by cleaning the floor until they got rid of all the embedded dirt. To do this, our techs soaked the surface with a special cleaner, making sure to reach all the grout lines and the seams. They scrubbed off the stains that darkened the grout and didn't stop until all the tiles looked spotless.
The next step was sealing the grout. Our crew applied ColorSeal to all the grout lines and used epoxy grout to repair the damaged portions on the seams. Our special sealant provides long-term protection against external elements like soap scum, mold, mildew, and other substances. It fights the effects of moisture while reducing the instances of grout damage. There's no better way to upgrade your maintenance efforts.
After checking that all the problems had been fixed, our team showed the end result to the homeowners. They were both thrilled and they praised our work while admiring the porcelain's beauty. The tiles looked better than ever and the grout had been fully restored to its original color. The couple couldn't wait to tell their friends about the transformation.
Our techs ended the appointment with a series of recommendations to help the homeowner preserve the shower's brand-new look. They started by introducing pH-neutral cleaners as the best way to protect hard surfaces, particularly bathroom surfaces that are constantly exposed to dampness and soap-based products. Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner won't subject your floors to toxic ingredients. More importantly, its cleaning power sets it apart from most of the products on the market. Homeowners don't need to settle for shallow results because our cleaner works against old stains and embedded dirt, including the mold that clings to your grout surfaces. On that note, our techs reminded the client that non-abrasive tools are more effective at detaching dirt and soap scum from harder-to-reach areas, and they do it without scratching the tiles in the process.
There's obviously no way to avoid water around your shower floors but you can still prevent the worst effects of moisture buildup. Good indoor ventilation represents the best way to protect your bathroom surfaces when they're not in use. For this reason, your ventilation system should have a wide reach to protect narrow areas where mold usually thrives. Still, opening the windows and doors every day also helps keep the stale water off your hard surfaces. Our specialists left the homeowner with these reminders and the reassurance that they would always respond to future requests.
Sir Grout Raleigh doesn't stop at making your surfaces look good. Our crew is here to ensure the best service to preserve your shower against wear and tear. You can count on us to help you revamp your living spaces with the most thorough cleaning, sealing, and grout restoration method, so feel free to call (919) 276-4403 to learn more. You can also schedule a free quote online to request an in-home evaluation and we'll be there right away. Lastly, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.